
Saving Guatemala’s Vanishing Macaws

Views: 1583
Saving Guatemala’s Vanishing Macaws
(July 23, 2019) Less than 1,000 scarlet macaws remain within the habitat corridor spanning Guatemala, Belize, and Mexico. They are threatened by habitat loss and increasingly, by trafficking for the pet trade. Compounding the problem, their nests are also attacked by aggressive, invasive Africanized honey bees—also known as “killer bees”—that sting parent birds to death or drive them away, leaving fledglings to starve and are also under threat from forest fires raging in key nature reser...


How a Khulan Became a Photographer

Views: 1524
How a Khulan Became a Photographer
(July 01, 2019) Since 2013, khulan in the Southern Gobi have been monitored by a group of researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Mongolia, the Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria, and the Norwegian Institute of Nature Research (NINA).During the 2015 khulan capture season, 20 khulan were equipped with GPS satellite collars which allow monitoring of khulan movements and habitat use. One additional animal, an adult mare, was equipped wit...


Saving The Sumatran Rhino

Views: 1592
Saving The Sumatran Rhino
(June 27, 2019) Chris Walzer is Executive Director for Wildlife Health at WCS. He was in Indonesia recently with the WCS Country Team to investigate how to best increase the dwindling number of wild rhinos.  In this video, Chris talks about the challenges the animals are facing and what WCS and our partners can do about it.Watch Now ->


Finding Unseen Threats to Rescue Unseen Wildlife

Views: 1632
Finding Unseen Threats to Rescue Unseen Wildlife
(June 26, 2019) Dr Tracie Seimon leads our innovative molecular program, but she came to work in conservation through an unconventional route! Science Line's interview with Dr Seimon captures this journey and why the development of mobile genetic identification tools that can be taken into the field to search for rare, hidden species and test for pathogens that threaten their survival inspires her....                                ...


Innovative Technique to Monitor Cardiac Function in Geladas

Views: 1551
Innovative Technique to Monitor Cardiac Function in Geladas
(May 22, 2019) Our Zoo veterinarians and Mammalogy staff have been implementing innovative techniques to understand cardiac disease in gelada (Theropithecus gelada). We are one of only two U.S. zoos that display gelada, and the founding members of our current troop originated from European zoos. WCS pathologists have discovered a high incidence of cardiac disease in deceased gelada, which is very worrisome. Our colleagues at European institutions report cardiac disease as common in their gelada also. The ...


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