
One Health Surveillance in Viet Nam Highlights Hotspots for Viral Disease Emergence

Views: 3025
One Health Surveillance in Viet Nam Highlights Hotspots for Viral Disease Emergence
(May 01, 2023) HA NOI, Viet Nam (April 26, 2023) – A new study led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) identified a viral hotspot in Viet Nam where bat roosting sites, bat guano harvesting, and pig farms are all in close proximity. The findings of this collaborative One Health study, described in the latest issue of the journal Viruses, have important implications for public health and wildlife conservation.  The authors say that the collection of guano – commonly used as a ferti...


Diverse Peruvian Wildlife Affected By Bird Flu

Views: 3634
Diverse Peruvian Wildlife Affected By Bird Flu
(February 16, 2023) “The characteristic of the influenza virus is that it has three ways of changing: it can mutate, adapt to the host or recombine with other viruses. It is already known that sea lions are affected by this virus and also dolphins. The risk lies in how much direct contact there is between these [different] species,” Paulo Colchao, a veterinarian specializing in wildlife health at WCS, explained to OJO Publico in: Peru Is The Country With The Most Animals Affected By Bird ...


PANORAMA Solutions in Focus: Wildlife Health and Zoonotic Disease Risk Reduction

Views: 3411
PANORAMA Solutions in Focus: Wildlife Health and Zoonotic Disease Risk Reduction
(February 01, 2023) The IUCN Panorama Solutions in Focus publication on Wildlife Health and Zoonotic Disease Risk Reduction aims to enhance Green Recovery from the COVID-19 crisis by providing case studies and guidance on positive lessons and approaches to integrated wildlife and human health approaches. The solutions provide a platform for dialogue, capacity development, and exchange for practitioners, legislators, and decision-makers at local, national, and global levels.  WCS provided...


Fruit Bat Gets a Check-up in the Republic of Congo

Views: 3139
Fruit Bat Gets a Check-up in the Republic of Congo
(January 26, 2023) WCS released an image of scientists taking a swab from a straw-colored fruit bat (Eidolon helvum) to test it for zoonotic diseases such as the Ebola virus. Through a new partnership with the Congolese Foundation for Medical Research (FCRM), blood samples and naso-oropharyngeal swabs will be safely collected from some 100 adult individuals associated with the bat trade to assess their potential disease exposure. LEARN MORE


World Health Summit

Views: 1271
World Health Summit
(November 05, 2022) WCS health and policy experts recently participated in the World Health Summit in Berlin, contributing to discussions on the importance of the One Health approach and the critical need to include ‘prevention at source’ in the new World Health Organization (WHO) instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. Read more


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