The WCS Health Programs encompass one of the oldest zoological veterinary programs ever established, with full-time staff beginning in 1902, and construction of a zoo hospital in 1916. Over a century later, The Zoological Health Program continues to provide specialized care for animals within our Zoos and Aquarium as well as local and international field projects, and WCS Health Programs are globally recognized for excellence in zoological and wildlife medicine, pathology, and global health conservation initiatives. WCS developed its Field Veterinary Program (FVP)—the first and largest of its kind—in 1989 in response to the growing recognition of the critical role of wildlife health in both conservation and development. The FVP expanded to become the innovative WCS Health Program, working around the world on a range of threats facing wildlife, livelihoods, and human health. These include disease issues facing big cats and great apes, endangered species recovery and reintroduction, wildlife-livestock disease interactions, and emerging zoonotic diseases. Scroll down for highlights of our recent work, see key recent publications on One Health and Links Between Ecological Integrity and Emerging Disease below, and read more on our One Planet, One Health, One Future global health Medium page.
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