
Preventing future zoonotic outbreaks is not about targeting one species

Views: 1432
Preventing future zoonotic outbreaks is not about targeting one species
(February 13, 2020) WCS Issues New Statement on COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak:  WCS Applauds China for Declaring It Is Revising and Strengthening Wildlife Protection Laws and Regulations; Cautions: It’s About Strengthening Wildlife Laws Broadly and Not Simply Focusing on Bats, Pangolins, and Snakes. Read more about why here


The Wuhan Coronavirus- Stopping These Outbreaks

Views: 1763
The Wuhan Coronavirus- Stopping These Outbreaks
(February 03, 2020) Dr. Christian Walzer, Executive Director of the WCS Health Program, emphasizes why governments need to close live animal markets that trade in wildlife to prevent outbreaks of emerging diseases such as COVID-19 in this brief interview:  Watch: Zoonotic Outbreaks: Where It Starts and StopsCopyright: AP photo/ Xinhua


WCS: Chinese ban on sale of wildlife needs to be permanent

Views: 1421
WCS: Chinese ban on sale of wildlife needs to be permanent
(January 27, 2020) The Wildlife Conservation Society issued a statement concerning China’s announcement to temporarily ban the sale of wildlife in markets, restaurants and over e-commerce: it needs to be permanent. Read what Dr Chris Walzer, chief global veterinarian for the Wildlife Conservation Society, has to say about the ban here.Dr Walzer also spoke with The Washington Post, calling the measure an “important first step” but said the ban needs to be permanent:China bans wild animal trad...


Wildlife Trade Likely Source of New Coronavirus

Views: 1929
Wildlife Trade Likely Source of New Coronavirus
(January 24, 2020) WCS Calls for Closing Live Animal Markets that Trade in Wildlife in Wake of Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak. With the outbreak of the Wuhan Coronavirus, the Wildlife Conservation Society is calling for governments to recognize the global public health threats of live animal markets and to strengthen enforcement efforts on trafficking of wild animals. Poorly regulated, live animal markets mixed with illegal wildlife trade offer a unique opportunity for viruses to spillover from wildlife hosts int...


Protecting Marine Wildlife in the New York Seascape

Views: 1738
Protecting Marine Wildlife in the New York Seascape
(December 18, 2019) Many don't realize a wealth of marine life lives just off New York's shores. Awe-inspiring and ecologically important whales and sharks face threats from fishing, shipping, pollution, ocean noise, and offshore energy exploration and development in New York waters. Bloomberg TV's Erik Schatzker speaks with veterinarian Dr. Harley Newton, head of WCS' Aquatic Health Department, and WCS scientist Dr. Howard Rosenbaum, live from The TimesCenter.


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