
Entries for June 2020

WATCH> How Coronavirus Has Placed More Attention on Wildlife Trade

Views: 1833
WATCH> How Coronavirus Has Placed More Attention on Wildlife Trade
(June 23, 2020) The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 has heightened awareness of the potentially devastating impacts of spillover of zoonotic emerging diseases from wild animals to humans. WATCH Dr Amanda Fine discuss why this has placed more attention on high-risk activities such as trade in wildlife.ABC News: How Coronavirus Has Placed More Attention on Wildlife Trade 


From Field to Fork: Wildlife Supply Chains for Human Consumption Increase Coronavirus Spillover Risk

Views: 1663
From Field to Fork: Wildlife Supply Chains for Human Consumption Increase Coronavirus Spillover Risk
(June 17, 2020) A recent study by the WCS Health Program team in Vietnam found high proportions of Coronavirus positive samples among rodents destined for human consumption. The proportion of positives significantly increased along the supply chain from trappers and traders (21 percent), to large markets (32 percent) to restaurants (56 percent). Viruses from Field to Fork: Study Finds That Wildlife Supply Chains for Human Consumption Increase Coronaviruses’ Spillover Risk to PeopleSaid Amanda Fine, W...


Urban Bushmeat and Zoonotic Disease

Views: 4908
Urban Bushmeat and Zoonotic Disease
(June 08, 2020) The hunting, trade and consumption of wild meat, or bushmeat, in Central Africa is a past, current and potential future zoonotic disease risk. Pathogens that have spread to humans from bushmeat include HIV, simian foamy virus, monkeypox virus, Ebola viruses, anthrax, herpesviruses, retroviruses and paramyxoviruses. Although zoonotic disease transmission can occur at any point along the bushmeat supply chain, from hunting in the forest to the point of consumption, markets in large urban areas are...


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