
Entries for May 2019

Innovative Technique to Monitor Cardiac Function in Geladas

Views: 1523
Innovative Technique to Monitor Cardiac Function in Geladas
(May 22, 2019) Our Zoo veterinarians and Mammalogy staff have been implementing innovative techniques to understand cardiac disease in gelada (Theropithecus gelada). We are one of only two U.S. zoos that display gelada, and the founding members of our current troop originated from European zoos. WCS pathologists have discovered a high incidence of cardiac disease in deceased gelada, which is very worrisome. Our colleagues at European institutions report cardiac disease as common in their gelada also. The ...


Infectious Foot Disease in Huemul: a Deer in Danger of Extinction

Views: 1803
Infectious Foot Disease in Huemul: a Deer in Danger of Extinction
(May 06, 2019) The south Andean deer (Hippocamelus bisulcus), also known as the Chilean huemul, is such a cultural icon in Chile that it is featured on their coat of arms. Despite this, the species is the most endangered deer in Latin America, with only around 2500 remaining in the wild. For several years, our local staff have been collaborating with other researchers to try to identify the cause of a worrying new foot disease in huemul that causes intense pain, inflammation and partial or complete loss of the...


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