
Entries for February 2020

The Chinese Government's Ban on Wildlife Trade: A Big Step Forward, With Caveats

Views: 1873
The Chinese Government's Ban on Wildlife Trade: A Big Step Forward, With Caveats
(February 28, 2020) WCS welcomes this critical and positive step that reflects the central government’s commitment to both solving the COVID-19 outbreak and preventing future risks. We also believe that the live trade in all wild birds and mammals should be prohibited:  WCS Statement and Analysis: On the Chinese Government’s Decision Prohibiting Some Trade and Consumption of Wild AnimalsWCS's Dr. Chris Walzer tells the New York Times: China’s Ban on Wildlife Trade a Big Step, but Ha...


Rare Giant Pangolin Rescue

Views: 1177
Rare Giant Pangolin Rescue
(February 20, 2020) Our Wildlife Health program teams in the Republic of Congo recently assisted in the rehabilitation of a rescued giant pangolin, the world’s most trafficked scaled mammal. Thanks to their specialized care, this highly sensitive animal that often succumbs to stress in captivity, was successfully reintroduced to the wild of the Nouabale-Ndoki National Park. 


117 Years of Zoo Veterinarians

Views: 1350
117 Years of Zoo Veterinarians
(February 19, 2020) As WCS celebrates its 125 year anniversary, we remember the excellence in veterinary care the organization has always prioritized. In 1903, the Bronx Zoo was the first zoo in the U.S. to hire a full-time veterinarian to care for their collection. Chief Veterinarian, Dr Paul Calle's sheds more light in this Wild View blog:A Tradition of Excellent Veterinary Care


Preventing future zoonotic outbreaks is not about targeting one species

Views: 1406
Preventing future zoonotic outbreaks is not about targeting one species
(February 13, 2020) WCS Issues New Statement on COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak:  WCS Applauds China for Declaring It Is Revising and Strengthening Wildlife Protection Laws and Regulations; Cautions: It’s About Strengthening Wildlife Laws Broadly and Not Simply Focusing on Bats, Pangolins, and Snakes. Read more about why here


The Wuhan Coronavirus- Stopping These Outbreaks

Views: 1739
The Wuhan Coronavirus- Stopping These Outbreaks
(February 03, 2020) Dr. Christian Walzer, Executive Director of the WCS Health Program, emphasizes why governments need to close live animal markets that trade in wildlife to prevent outbreaks of emerging diseases such as COVID-19 in this brief interview:  Watch: Zoonotic Outbreaks: Where It Starts and StopsCopyright: AP photo/ Xinhua


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