
Entries for October 2019

Find Out Where Bats Go in the Congo...

Views: 2807
Find Out Where Bats Go in the Congo...
(October 29, 2019) The charismatic Hammer-headed fruit bat (Hypsignathus monstrosus) is the largest fruit bat in Africa. A possible Ebola reservoir, our health team has been tracking them in the Congo to learn more about their movements and potential overlap with humans....              Discovering Where Bats Go in Africa


One Planet, One Health, One Future

Views: 1462
One Planet, One Health, One Future
(October 28, 2019) Rapid and profound socio-ecological changes are driving a species extinction crisis while severely impacting the health—of people, wildlife, domesticated animals, and plants. Immediate action is imperative. On October 25th, the Wildlife Conservation Society and the German Federal Foreign Office convened the One Planet, One Health, One Future conference, including top minds from around the globe addressing how human development and interference on nature are generating threats aff...


Twelve Years of Tracking Ebola

Views: 1374
Twelve Years of Tracking Ebola
(October 17, 2019) "It's not for the faint of heart" said Dr. Karesh — a former chief field veterinarian at the Wildlife Conservation Society —  referring to an unusual research project where our scientists and rangers have worked under extremely challenging conditions deep in the forests of the Congo for the past 12 years, trying to predict human Ebola outbreaks by detecting them first in apes and other forest animals:New York Times: You’re Swabbing a Dead Gorilla for Ebola.Then I...


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