WCS Heath Programs 2017 Publications

2017 Publications

​​​Ahmadi, M., B.N. Balouchi, H. Jowkar, M.-R. Hemami, D. Fadakar, S. Malakouti-Khah, S. Ostrowski. (2017). “Combining landscape suitability and habitat connectivity to conserve the last surviving population of cheetah in Asia.” Diversity and Distributions. 23: 592-603. 10.1111/ddi.12560

Aysanoa, E., P. Mayor, A. P. Mendoza, C.M. Zariquiey, E. A. Morales, J. G. Pérez, M. Bowler, J. A. Ventocilla, C. González, G. C. Baldeviano and A. G. Lescano (2017). “Molecular Epidemiology of Trypanosomatids and Trypanosoma cruzi in Primates from Peru.” Ecohealth 14(4): 732-742. 10.1007/s10393-017-1271-8.

Baldi, M., M. Piche, M. Romero, H. Sabine, V. Montenegro & C. Walzer (2017). Baylisascaris procyonis un nemátodo del mapache urbano, agente zoonótico emergente por considerar como diagnóstico diferencial de larva migrans en Costa Rica. Revisión. Ciencias Medicina Veterinaria, 35, 33–41. https://doi.org/10.15359/rcv.35-1.2

Bartlett, S.L., C. Cray, N. Lamberski, M.M. Garner (2017). Amyloid in Captive Bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus): Impacts on Morbidity and Mortality and Evaluation of Serum Ac​​ute Phase Proteins Premortem49th AAZV Annual Conference Dallas, Texas: P. 124.​

Bennett, E., S. Champlot, J.  Peters, B.  Arbuckle, S. Guimaraes, M. Pruvost, S. Bar-David, S. Davis, M. Gautier, P. Kaczensky, R. Kuehn, M. Mashkour, A. Morales-Muñiz, E. Pucher, J.-F. Tournepiche, H.-P. Uerpmann, A. Balasescu, M. Germonpré, C. Gündem, M.-R. Hemami, P.-E. Moullé, A. Otzan, M. Uerpmann, C. Walzer, T. Grange, E.-M. Geigl. (2017). Taming the late Quaternary phylogeography of the Eurasiatic wild ass through ancient and modern DNA. PLOS ONE, 12, e0174216. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0174216

Eidlin, L.B. (2017). Rehabilitative Care and Hand-Rearing in a Colony of Spectacled Flying Foxes (Pteropus conspicillatus) Seasonally Affected by Paralysis Ticks (Ixodes holocyclus) in Australia37th Annual AZVT Conference Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Pp. 35-45.​

Fillieux, C., C. Sokha, J.-L. Ramassamy, V. Hul, S. H. Olson, A. Fine, P. Dussart, W. Phimpraphai, P. Horwood, M. Pruvot (2017). Assessment of rodent communities in two provinces of Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History, 2017, 147–152.

Golembeski, M., K.J. ConleyJ.M. Sykes IV (2017). Callitrichid Preventive Medicine Protocols at the Bronx Zoo: A Case Example of the Re-Evaluation Process. 49th AAZV Annual Conference Proceedings Dallas, Texas: P. 54.

Kaczensky, P., R. Doldin, D.  Enke, J. Linnell, O.  Lukanovsky, A. Salemgareyev, T. Sidorova, S. Sklyarenko, K. Sergey, T. Kisebaev, C. Walzer, S. Ward, S. Zuther. (2017). Feasibility study for kulan (Equus hemionus kulan) reintroduction into the central steppe of Kazakhstan. NINA Report 1366, Affiliation: Norwegian Institute of Nature Research (NINA)https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.25209.06246

Kaczensky, P., M. Burnik Šturm, M. Sablin, C. Voigt, S. Smith, O. Ganbaatar, O., B. Balint, C. Walzer, N. Spasskaya. (2017). Stable isotopes reveal diet shift from pre-extinction to reintroduced Przewalski´s horses. Scientific Reports, 7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-05329-6

Khalatbari, L., H. Jowkar, G. H. Yusefi, J. C. Brito and S. Ostrowski (2017). “The current status of Asiatic cheetah in Iran.” CATnews IUCN, SSC 66: 10-13.

Lindemann, D.M., M.C. Allender, M. Rzadkowska, G. Archer, L. Kane, E. Baithman, E.A. Driskell, C.T. Chu, K. Singh, S.-H. Hsiao, J.M. Sykes IVand S. Cox (2017). "Pharmacokinetics, Efficacy, and Safety of Voriconazole and Itraconazole in Healthy Cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus) and Massasauga Rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus) with Snake Fungal Disease." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 48: 757-766.​

Malatos, J.M., G.E. Duhamel (2017). Histological and Immunohistochemical Features of Small Intestinal Lymphatic Hypoplasia in Dogs Presented with Protein-Losing Enteropathy. Concurrent Annual Meetings of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists and American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Pp. 147-148.​

Malatos, J.M., K. Kelly, J. Peters-Kennedy (2017). Histologic and Immunohistochemical Characteristics of 19 Cases of Equine Cutaneous Pseudolymphoma and the Association with Borrelia Burgdorferi. Concurrent Annual Meetings of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists and American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: P. 134.​

Malatos, J.M., K. Kelly, J. Peters-Kennedy (2017). Investigating the Association of Bartonella Spp. in Canine Nodular Pyogranulomatous PanniculitisConcurrent Annual Meetings of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists and American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: P. 171.​

Mohandesan, E., R. R. Fitak, J. Corander, A. Yadamsuren, B. Chuluunbat, O. Abdelhadi, A. Raziq, P. Nagy, G. Stalder, C. Walzer, B. Faye and P. A. Burger (2017). “Mitogenome Sequencing in the Genus Camelus Reveals Evidence for Purifying Selection and Long-term Divergence between Wild and Domestic Bactrian Camels.” Scientific Reports 7: 9970.

Mostafawi, S. N., J. Naseri and S. Ostrowski (2017). “Hunting for the wealthiest threatens migrating cranes in Afghanistan.” Oryx 51(4): 581-585. 10.1017/S003060531700134X.

Newton, A.L., and G. Lewbart (2017). "Invertebrate Oncology: Diseases, Diagnostics, and Treatment." Veterinary Clinic Exotic Animal 20: 1-19.​

Ostrowski, S. (2017). “An evaluation of the achievements of the Conservation of Asiatic Cheetah Project in Iran.” CATnews IUCN, SSC 66: 5-9.

Pohlin, F., K. Brabender, G. Fluch, G. Stalder, T. Petit & C. Walzer (2017). “Seasonal Variations in Heart Rate Variability as an Indicator of Stress in Free-Ranging Pregnant Przewalski’s Horses (E. ferus przewalskii) within the Hortobágy National Park in Hungary.” Frontiers in Physiology 8: 664. 10.3389/fphys.2017.00664.

Pohlin, F., K. Brabender, G. Fluch, G. Stalder, T. Petit & C. Walzer. (2017). Using heart rate variability in wildlife research to assess stress. Conference Paper: Veterinary Management of African Wildlife Conference, 2017. At Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Pretoria

Posautz A., M. Gyuranecz, B. Dénes, F. Knauer, H. Dier, & C. Walzer. (2017). Seroprevalence of Francisella tularensis in Austrian Hunting Dogs. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 18. https://doi.org/10.1089/vbz.2017.2193

Rainwater K.L., K. Marchese, S. Slavinski, L.A. Humberg, E.J. Dubovi, J.A. Jarvis, D. McAloose, and P.P. Calle (2017). "Health Survey of Free-Ranging Raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Central Park, New York, New York, USA: Implications for Human and Domestic Animal Health" Journal of Wildlife Disease 53(2): 272–284.​

Rivas, A.E.K. ConleyT.A. SeimonC. HollingerR.P. MooreJ.A. Paré (2017). Sarcocystosis in a Flock of Thick-Billed Parrots (Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha), 2005-2016: Morbidity, Mortality, Diagnostics, and Management Strategies. 49th AAZV Annual Conference Dallas, Texas: P. 117.​​​

Rivas, A.E., A. Fischetti, A.B. Le Roux, C. Hollinger, D.A. Oehler, R.P. MooreJ.A. Paré (2017). Standing Computed Tomography in Nonanesthetized Little Penguins (Eudyptul minor) to Assess Normal Anatomy and Monitor Disease. 49th AAZV Annual Conference Dallas, Texas: Pp. 27-28.​

Sanches, A., N. Caparros, S. Ostrowski, M. Sarasa and J.M. Perez. (2017). “Oestrosis in Asiatic Ibex (Capra sibirica): a case report and molecular characterization of larvae.” Veterinary Parasitology. 236: 55-57. 10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.02.003.

Seeber, P. A., S. E. Soilemetzidou, M. L. East, C. Walzer and A. D. Greenwood (2017). “Equine behavioral enrichment toys as tools for non-invasive recovery of viral and host DNA.” Zoo Biology 36(5): 341-344.

Seilern-Moy, K., H. Vielgrader, H. Gerritsmann, & C. Walzer. (2017). Radiography In The Field: Assessing A Lightweight, Handheld, Battery-Powered Dentistry Unit For Field Diagnostic Applications. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 48, 31–39. https://doi.org/10.1638/2016-0034.1

Seimon, T.A., B.D. Horne, A. Tomaszewicz, M. Pruvot, S. Som, S. In, C. Sokha, S. Platt, P. ToledoD. McAloose and P.P. Calle (2017). "Disease Screening in Southern River Terrapins (Batagur affinis edwardmolli) in Cambodia." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 48(4): 1242-1246.

Seimon, T.A., A. Seimon, K. Yager, K. Reider, A. Delgado, P. Sowell, A. Tupayachi, B. Konecky, D. McAloose, and S. Halloy (2017). "Long-term monitoring of tropical alpine habitat change, Andean anurans, and chytrid fungus in the Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru: Results from a decade of study." Ecology and Evolution 7(5): 1527-1540.​​

Streicher, U., J.Nowack, G. Stalder, C. Walzer, T. Nadler & T. Ruf. (2017). Hibernation in pygmy lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus)- what does it mean? Vietnamese Journal of Primatology, 2, 51–57.

Svadlenak-Gomez, K., & C. Walzer. (2017). Bäume, Wasser, Wind und Sonne-Natur pur? Natur Und Landschaft, 2017, 458–463. https://doi.org/10.17433/9.2017.50153515.458-463

Sykes, J.M., IV (2017). Direct Inspiration: Zoo Veterinary Community Outreach Opportunities. 49th AAZV Annual Conference Dallas, Texas: P. 154.​

Sykes, J.M., IVK.A. Gustavsen and J. Sapienza (2017). Treatment of Glaucoma in a Male Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) Using Transscleral Micropulse Laser Therapy. 49th AAZV Annual Conference Dallas, Texas: P. 48.​

Walzer, C. (2017). “Beyond One Health—Zoological Medicine in the Anthropocene.” Frontiers in Veterinary Science 4: 102. 10.3389/fvets.2017.00102.

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